During this quest, you have to be ready to face some dangerous monsters, such as Bandit, Boar, Rabbit, Wolf, Smuggler or even a Warrior (a wild one!), so embrace yourself, make sure you take two brown mushrooms with yourself to cure this horrendous damage you’re going to take.
What’s more, you need a Kitchen Knife (NPC Chephan in Venore might sell it for you if you have 10 gp) or Obsidian Knife. Additionally, you should also get a hammer to knock your enemies out . You can buy the hammer from Chephan’s hated neighbor-Nelliem (I don’t know if they really hate each other, I just said it to spice it up).
Ok ready? Let’s go!
The first mission is called Lucky Charms.
This mission starts with the NPC Rottin Wood, which resides in an Outlaw Camp.
Let us show you how to get to the Outlaw Camp!
The NPC is in this building!
When you find that guy, you say the magic words
His responses are not important since nobody reads them anyway. Moving on, Rottin Wood apparently has a foot fetish, and wants you to hand him in 7 feet with a ribbon (don’t look at me, I don’t make the rules!). He gives you 7 Handcrafted Ribbons since he’s too lazy to put them on the feet himself.
In order to get the feet you need to kill, murder, slaughter, exterminate, assassinate, butcher poor little rabbits that jump around the Outlaw Camp.
Once you kill the poor animal, you have to wait for its body to rotten up a little bit and then use your Kitchen or Obsidian Knives on the corpse. Sometimes you get lucky enough to obtain 2 feet from one corpse, sometimes you get even luckier and you don’t get any feet, so that you can take the pleasure in murdering more rabbits, yay.
Once you get 7 feet, you can use the ribbon on them and give them to our lovely fetishist, Rottin Wood by saying
As a reward, he gives you 100 exp points and 500 gp, BUT THAT’S NOT ALL! If you are lucky, he might also give you a Hunting Horn, wild!
Dad joke:
What did Rottin get after you gave him the Rabbit feet?
– Wood
Mission 2, In a State of Disrepair
Rottin Wood has another task for us. Guess what you have to say to him to find out more?
(If you guessed the words right, give yourself a pat on the back!)
Turns out our dude Rottin partied too hard and he destroyed a few walls around his crib. Get your hammer ready and go help him out.
Fun fact, Sisyphus himself is gonna laugh at you while you do it, since the walls will break again after a while, but whatever, you do you.
The destroyed wall looks like this
Just use your outstanding hammer on the destroyed walls et voila.
You can find the walls to fix in these places (to get to some of them you have to go up the stairs, yay for the exercise):
After you finish it, you go to our main guy again and say…
Rottin is very proud of you, he gives you 500 gp and 500 exp points, easy profit.
Mission 3: Bushwhacking
In this mission, Rottin’s toxic side is shining through! He wants to get rid of the competition completely, and he wants to use you to make it happen. If you ever wondered what he hides in his basement, you will know it after you finish this mission. LET’S GOO
First, say the famous
The Top G Rottin gave you 5 nets that you need to place on the floor to trap his opps.
You need to go to that place that looks like a sleeping cat’s face, north of Rottin’s crib:
Prepare to get annoyed for 2 mins that you don’t know how to enter, and then place the traps. You can witness their sorrows if you go up the stairs, highly recommended, much fun.
You need to wait for the opps to get trapped. It might take up to a few minutes, so let’s do an interactive activity while you wait so that it doesn’t get boring.
Show your favourite outfit.
Now show your most expensive outfit.
Now the outfit you dislike the most.
Now show the first outfit you got.
Now show the favorite outfit of your crush.
Once you do all that, the merchants should be trapped (if they’re not I owe you a beer at Frodo’s)
If they’re all trapped you go back to Rottin and say
And you shall receive 1k exp, 500 gold and an achievement Merry Adventures, love that for you!
Once you are done with the 3 missions, you can finally start doing two of them daily every 20 hours.
Lucky Loop
The reward for this one is one of the above:
-100 exp + 500 gp
-300 gp + time ring (cuz time is money)
-hunting horn (no gold coming with this one, sad)
Now this might be a surprise, to start this mission you gotta approach Rottin and tell him…
Lucky Loop
Then you do the trick with the rabbits, ribbons, and feet. Once you are done, report the mission back to the Poacher-looking fellow by saying
Lucky Loop
You can troll our FEETishist and get an achievement for that! C’mon, we both know you wanna do it.
In order to do that, you gotta get 7 pieces of wool (market, or kill 545845 sheep in hopes to loot one) and 7 wooden spoons (Chephan sells one for 5 gp).
Once you get the items, you go to Rottin and ask for the Lucky Loop task as if nothing happened, then you use the ribbons (he gives them to you) on the spoon, and then use the Spoon with a Ribbon on the wool. Hand them in to Rottin Wood and enjoy the prank. Oh, and the achievement Bunny Slipped
You thought this is it?! Nah! You can also repair the walls daily, yaaay! So fun! It’s worth it though, you can get 500 gp for that. Now let’s say feru hat costs 1,2kkk, you only need to do the task for 2 400 000 days in order to buy it! Meaning you could get it in around 6,5k years. You can do it.
So, you go to our Woodie friend and tell him
Then you repair the walls as we’ve shown before.
Once you’re done, message him again saying: