As you probably already know, a test server is currently running in the Tibia, where changes regarding each profession are being tested.
There has long been talking of character balancing. Even not so long ago we had to deal with such a procedure. But this time the changes are a lot and can turn the current way of playing upside down.
The Wheel of Destiny because it is mentioned introduces new skills and bonuses, different for each profession. Depending on the development path taken, we can unlock other skills and upgrades.
In addition to the wheel, several other options will be introduced, such as collecting loot from boss bags with one click, or finally shielding and armor from EQ will have real values reflected in the game.
We won’t describe them here now because the changes are too many and varied. However, we encourage you to visit the test server, test all the options and express your opinion at
Remember, by testing and expressing your opinions about the changes you have a real impact on what will be introduced.