July 27, 2024

A new contest is being run by Tibiopedia. The contest will consist of 3 stages, which will bring us different tasks to complete.
Winners will be drawn in a lottery, to which people with the highest amount of points from all the stages will be assigned.

The first stage will run from 27.10.2022 till 03.11.2022.

Don’t hesitate to join the contest, because the prices for first 3 places are as following:

  1. Ferumbras Doll, Golden Trophy of Excellence, 90 days of Tibiopedia VIP,
  2. Medal of Honour, Silver Trophy of Excellence, 60 days of Tibiopedai VIP,
  3. One of the mount items: Four-Leaf Clover, Candle Stump, Music Box, Sceptre, Purple Tendril Lantern, Turquoise Lantern, and a Bronze trophy of Excellence together with 30 days of Tibiopedia VIP.

All the winners will also earn a badge on the forum.

The first stage challenges us to create anagrams, which means that we have to switch the letters from given words in order to find another one that exists in Tibia world (for example, spell or item name).
For each correct answer we will gain 1 point, after this stage there will be a ranking with points earned by players that joined the contest.

To join the contest we are required to be of level 100 (or 50 with Squire of Tibia rank and above), have character linked to the account for at least 3 weeks. Your account should exist at least for a month with online time on page above 20 hours and have no active warnings.



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